MoA Video Series Emerging Treatment Mechanisms in Hemophilia: Overview Emerging Treatment Mechanisms in Hemophilia: Efanesoctocog Alfa Emerging Treatment Mechanisms in Hemophilia:Emicizumab and Mim8 Emerging Treatment Mechanisms in Hemophilia: Fitusiran Infographics Redefining Strategies for the Management of Hemophilia: Examining the Clinical Potential of Rebalancing Therapies Achieving Freedom From Bleeding: Exploring the Evolving Evidence on New and Emerging Treatment Strategies to Maintain Higher FVIII Levels Redefining Strategies for the Management of Hemophilia: Practical Assessment of Joint Health and Predicting/Mitigating Progression Hemostasis in Hemophilia - Mechanisms of Disease and Rationale for New Therapies Attaining New Goals in Hemophilia - Exploring the Clinical Utility of Emerging Treatments Advancing Treatment for Memophilia B - Exploring Extravascular Hemostasis and Optimizing Factor Replacement Monitoring and Implementation Rebalancing the Coagulation Cascade - Emerging Strategies To Restore Hemostasis In Hemophilia Frequently Asked Questions Suggested Readings Hemophilia A and B: Presentation Transcripts and Translations Improving Quality of Life for People Living With Hemophilia: Strategies to Stratify Joint Damage Risk and Allow Increased Participation in Physical Activity Translations Chinese English French German Italian Portugese Spanish Tipping the Scale Back Towards Normal: Evaluating Rebalancing Therapies to Achieve Hemostasis in Hemophilia Translations Chinese English French German Italian Portugese Spanish Achieving Freedom From Bleeding: Exploring the Evolving Evidence on New and Emerging Treatment Strategies to Maintain Higher FVIII Levels Translations English French German Italian Spanish Achieving and Sustaining Higher FVIII Levels in Hemophilia A: Exploring Real-world Strategies for Treatment and Monitoring Trough Levels Considering New Treatment Options Translations English French German Italian Spanish Optimizing Management in Hemophilia B: Exploring the Impact of Extravascular Distribution on Hemostasis Translations English French German Italian Spanish Hemostasis in Hemophilia: How Improved Disease Knowledge Informs New Treatments Translations English French German Italian Spanish Hemophilia A and B: Guidelines List American Society of Hematology/International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ASH/ISTH; endorsed) NHF-McMaster Guideline on Care Models for Haemophilia Management Special Issue: National Haemophilia Foundation-McMaster University Guideline on Care Models for Haemophilia Management. Guest Editor: Christine Lee. This work was funded by the National Hemophilia Foundation. Panel members were not compensated for their participation International consensus recommendations on the management of people with haemophilia B (at PubMed) International consensus recommendations on the management of people with haemophilia B (at SAGE journals) The definition, diagnosis and management of mild hemophilia A: communication from the SSC of the ISTH International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) The definition, diagnosis and management of mild hemophilia A: communication from the SSC of the ISTH National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC) Prophylaxis for Hemophilia A and B with and without Inhibitors Standards and Criteria for the Care of Persons with Congenital Bleeding Disorders Recommendations on Standardized Testing and Surveillance for Inhibitors in Patients with Hemophilia A and B World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia, 3rd edition World Federation of Hemophilia eLearning Site